.. _signals: Signals ======= Userena contains a few signals which you can use in your own application if you want to have custom actions when a account get's changed. All signals are located in ``userena/signals.py`` file. signup_complete --------------- This signal get's fired when an user signs up at your site. Note: This doesn't mean that the user is activated. The signal provides you with the ``user`` argument which Django's :class:`User` class. activation_complete ------------------- A user has succesfully activated their account. The signal provides you with the ``user`` argument which Django's :class:`User` class. confirmation_complete --------------------- A user has succesfully changed their email. The signal provides you with the ``user`` argument which Django's :class:`User` class, and the ``old_email`` argument which is the user's old email address as a string. password_complete ----------------- A user has succesfully changed their password. The signal provides you with the ``user`` argument which Django's :class:`User` class.